Superannuation Management Services - Plutus Financial Guidance Sydney

Superannuation Management at Plutus Financial Guidance

Many industry experts and financial advisors believe that solely relying on employer contributions may result in many people falling short of a basic retirement lifestyle, one which would be suitable for most Australians.

Superannuation Advice and Planning

At Plutus Financial Guidance we offer superannuation advice and planning, in order to help create tax-effective steps to boost your super balance, resulting in a far healthier super balance at retirement. 

Things we address include the consolidation of your superannuation accounts, if you have more than one. People generally opt for their employers chosen super fund, which results in the accumulation of multiple super accounts over the years. Consolidating your super accounts is a critical step in optimising the performance of your superannuation – as having multiple accounts can lead to lost super through paying multiple sets of fees. An independent financial advisor at Plutus Financial Guidance will guide you through this process. 

When self-managing a super fund, a well-planned investment and contribution strategy is critical. There are a few factors to consider when formulating a tailored superannuation investment strategy. These include your age, superannuation balance, retirement goals and risk appetite. We can analyse the risks and rewards of particular investment strategies to help choose an option that is right for you. 

Thinking of creating a self-managed super fund? This can be a rewarding decision for some, however they’re not beneficial for all clients. If a self-managed fund isn’t the best strategy, we can help in finding the best option for your situation. There are many different superannuation funds out there, offering many different advantages and strategies. At Plutus Financial Guidance, we will tailor and review a shortlist based on your personal needs and goals.

Additionally, we help you analyse and compare super fund performance, fees, investment options, insurance options and more. 

We’re here to ensure your super balance is healthy come retirement. Talk to Vince Lam, our senior superannuation advisor today to find out what is involved and whether this is the right option for you.